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Documents PRYSE Joe 1 résultats

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- 176 p.
ISBN 978-1568989570, 85 AML

This is the first monograph on the 2007 American Institute of Architects Firm of the Year, Leers Weinzapfel Associates, the first women-owned firm to be honored with this distinction. For more than twenty-five years the firm has turned gritty projects other firms wouldn't care to take on - such as power plants and maintenance facilities - into design statements they would do well to aspire to. The book is organized around a series of themes which feature eleven selected projects. It includes completed projects as well as developmental studies to discuss the work through strategies that unite site, program, and ongoing exploration and investigation of material. Included interviews touch upon the working process and technique. A foreword by urban designer Joan Busquets and an introduction by architect Marion Weiss put the work into context. This is the first monograph on the 2007 American Institute of Architects Firm of the Year, Leers Weinzapfel Associates, the first women-owned firm to be honored with this distinction. For more than twenty-five years the firm has turned gritty projects other firms wouldn't care to take on - such as power plants and maintenance facilities - into design statements they would do well to aspire to. The book is organized around a series of themes ...


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