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Documents CANTZ Hatje 1 résultats

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- 107 pages , 6 AMZ

In August 1993 the district administration office Bregenz issued the building permit for the construction of a new art museum. The plans and negotiations had already begun in 1989. The design of Swiss architect Peter Zumthor of Haldenstein near Chur had been awarded first prize in the architectural competition. Work on the new building began in 1994; the roofing ceremony was celebrated in November 1996. By the end of June 1997, the administration building was completed, in July the museum building followed. The Kunsthaus was opened on July 25, 1997. "The art museum stands in the light of Lake Constance. It is made of glass and steel and a cast concrete stone mass which endows the interior of the building with texture and spatial composition. From the outside, the building looks like a lamp. It absorbs the changing light of the sky, the haze of the lake, it reflects light and colour and gives an intimation of its inner life according to the angle of vision, the daylight and the weather."Peter Zumthor, ArchitectDepuis son ouverture en 1997, le centre artistique «Kunsthaus Bregenz» - dans un bâtiment de l'architecte suisse Peter Zumthor – compte parmi les plus importants musées d'art moderne de l'espace germanophone. In August 1993 the district administration office Bregenz issued the building permit for the construction of a new art museum. The plans and negotiations had already begun in 1989. The design of Swiss architect Peter Zumthor of Haldenstein near Chur had been awarded first prize in the architectural competition. Work on the new building began in 1994; the roofing ceremony was celebrated in November 1996. By the end of June 1997, the admi...


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