Modern Housing prototypes.
167 pages
91 UL
LE CORBUSIER ; MIES VAN DER ROHE Ludwig ; WRIGHT Frank Lloyd ; UTZON Jorn ; OUD Jacobus J.P. ; LURCAT André ; TANGE Kenzo ; ATELIER 5 ; BROWN Neave ; PERRET Auguste ; GINSBERG Jean ; TERRAGNI Giuseppe ; VAN TIJEN Willem ; BRINKMAN Michiel ; DUIKER Johannes ; AALTO Alvar ; STAAL Jan Frederik ; BAKEMA Jaap ; VAN DEN BROEK Johannes Hendrik
The design of housing has commanded the attention of the greatest architects of the twentieth century. In this stunning volume, Roger Sherwood presents thirty-two notable examples of multi-family housing from many countries and four continents, selected for their importance as prototypes. Designed by such masters as Frank Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier, Mies van der Rohe, and Alvar Aalto, they range from single-house clusters to row-houses, terrace houses, party-wall and large-courtyard housing, to urban high-rise towers and slabs.The thirty-two buildings or housing complexes are illustrated with photographs, site plans, floor plans, elevations, and marvelous axonometric drawings. In each case Mr. Sherwood gives background information on the project, mention, factors the architect had to take into consideration (social, environmental, financial), points out creative solutions to particular problems, and comments on special features of the design. Laymen as well as professionals will find his presentations enlightening.In the Introduction, Mr. Sherwood sets forth the basic principles of organization that apply to housing. He analyzes first the limited number of ways in which individual apartments or living units can be laid out (each type or plan lending itself to variations and permutations) and then the ways in which different units can be vertically and horizontally organized within a single building. Drawings and plans of more than eighty housing complexes in twenty countries accompany his analysis.Mr. Sherwood offers his book in the belief that there is no excuse for shoddy architecture; that no branch of architecture is more important than the design of human habitations; and that much is to be learned from the study of significant buildings of the recent past. La conception de logement a commandé l'attention des architectes les plus grands du vingtième siècle. Dans ce volume stupéfiant, Roger Sherwood présente trente-deux exemples notables de logement pour plusieurs familles de beaucoup de pays et quatre continents, choisis pour leur importance comme des prototypes. Conçu par de tels maîtres que Frank Lloyd Wright, Corbusier, Mies Van der Rohe et Alvar Aalto, ils s'étendent de groupes de maison seule aux maisons de rangée, des maisons de terrasse, le mur mitoyen et le logement de cour grande, aux tours élevées urbaines et des blocs.Les trente-deux constructions(bâtiments) ou les complexes de logement sont illustrés avec des photographies, des plans de site, des plans d'architecte, des élévations et des merveilleux dessins axonometric. Dans chaque cas M. Sherwood donne des informations de fond sur le projet, la mention, affacture l'architecte a dû prendre en considération (la fête, environnementale, financière), indique des solutions créatrices de problèmes particuliers et fait des remarques sur les caractéristiques(fonctions) spéciales de la conception.
Niveau d'autorisation : Public